According to a new survey commissioned by E.ON, one of the largest suppliers of energy in the UK, many Brits simply “can’t be bothered” to insulate their homes, despite claims that doing so can save just under £400 per year.
Carried out in August, the survey of 2,000 people unearthed a rich variety of reasons why people apparently fail to insulate their properties. The OnePoll survey revealed that 10 per cent of homeowners in the UK could not muster the will to purchase loft or cavity wall insulation
, with 15 per cent citing general ignorance as the main reason.
Meanwhile, 9 per cent of respondents are apparently so overwhelmed by clutter that they simply cannot bring themselves to clean and tidy before installing lagging. Incredibly, 3 per cent of those surveyed noted the absence of a ladder as the principal reason not to insulate their lofts. If loft insulation proves too much of a challenge for homeowners in the UK, it ought to come as no surprise that cavity wall insulation proves equally bewildering.
E.ON’s Energy Fitness Instructor, Kevin Bryant, noted the importance of insulating properties instead of turning up the central heating. Mr Bryant said: “When we feel the cold, it’s very tempting to turn on or turn up the heating, but there are other long-term solutions which can make a big difference and help you save money on your bills.
“With a quarter of heat lost through uninsulated roofs and a third through uninsulated walls, installing cavity wall or loft insulation is one of the best long-term approaches to getting your home more energy fit”.
Despite E.ON’s claim that a typical house in the UK could save £390 per year by insulating lofts and cavity walls, 17 per cent of those surveyed were adamant that they could not afford to make such changes. Although many homeowners would be forgiven for worrying about financial concerns at a time of economic uncertainty, the typical savings made by installing loft and cavity wall insulation are well-documented.
Reducing energy consumption and heat loss are also important for lowering the UK’s carbon emissions, around 25 per of which are thought to come from homes.