E.ON has recently launched its Watt Watchers 2009 competition. Whilst this is clearly a pun on the popular calorie-busting programme, it is not inappropriate. In fact, Watt Watchers 2009 is remarkably similar to the aforementioned weight loss group as it encourages users to reduce their excessive consumption in order to slim down. More specifically, the person who sheds the most watts by using less electricity and gas wins a prize.
Indeed, Watt Watchers 2009 will reward the winner with a £1,000 cash prize whilst five other top-performing members or entrants will each receive £200. These prizes offer energy users great incentives to cut down on their electricity and gas consumption. Furthermore, those who do not win will still be able to enjoy the reduced energy bills that are associated with lower energy usage, so anybody who takes the competition seriously is almost guaranteed to benefit.
The driving force behind the competition is E.ON’s belief that energy consumers must become more aware of their usage habits. In particular, excessive or wasteful energy use must be cut down to provide a greener environment for everyone. Moreover, energy prices have long been derided by customers as unaffordable, yet by offering consumers the chance to explore ways in which energy can be saved, E.ON is helping to address one of the root causes of the problem. Indeed, it is believed that hundreds of pounds can be saved on average domestic energy bills if simple steps such as turning off standby lights are adopted. The competition ends on the 28th August and follows on from a successful 2008 campaign, in which the winner reduced consumption by 57%.