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Johnson & Starley Boilers – Costs & Ranges

johnson and starley logoJohnson & Starley specialises in heating and ventilation solutions for both domestic and commercial installations in the UK. The company has been established since 1922 which means it carries nearly 100 years of experience in the sector focusing on quality, reliability, ease of installation, quiet operation and long life.

Johnson & Starley Product Range

  • Combi, System & Regular Boilers
  • Warm Air Heating Systems
  • Heating Interface Units
  • Ventilation Solutions
  • Unvented Storage Cylinders
  • Air Cleaners
  • Commercial Heating Equipment

View the complete range of Johnson & Starley boilers

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Popular Combi Boilers

Combi boilers are best suited to small or medium sized homes as they produce hot water on demand directly from the mains supply. There’s no need for a feed and expansion tank or hot water cylinder so you save valuable space in the home. Johnson & Starley’s QuanTec range includes 3 Combi boilers: the QuanTec 24c, the QuanTec 30c and the QuanTec HR28c. The HR28c with integral Passive Flue Gas Heat Recovery is the brand’s flagship model delivering high efficiency including up to 110% in DHW mode.

QuanTec HR 28c Combi 28kW QuanTec 24c Combi 24kW QuanTec 30c Combi 28kW
Dimensions (mm) 780 x 423 x 321 780 x 423 x 321 780 x 423 x 321
Central Heating Energy Rating (Efficiency) A (89.1%) A (89.66%) A (89.5%)
Maximum Flow Rate l/min 12.3 10.1 12.3
LPG Model Available? Yes No No
Standard Warranty 5 years 2 years 2 years

Popular System Boilers

A System boiler will heat your central heating system and, with the addition of a hot water cylinder, will also provide hot water for your taps. You don’t, however, need a feed and expansion tank in the loft as the boiler can take its water supply directly from the mains.

QuanTec 24s System 24kW
Dimensions (mm) 780 x 423 x 321
Energy Rating A
Suitable for installation with Aquair HIU Up to 20kW
Heat Exchanger Stainless Steel
Standard Warranty 2 years

Take a closer look at the energy efficiency rating of Johnson & Starley boilers here.

Popular Regular Boilers

For homes with older heating systems or a high demand for hot water a Regular Kompact boiler from Johnson & Starley may be the right choice. It needs to be installed alongside a feed and expansion tank in the loft or attic and a hot water cylinder to supply your taps.

Quantec 16rK Regular Kompact 16kW Quantec 24rK Regular Kompact 24kW
Dimensions (mm) 647 x 370 x 306 647 x 370 x 306
Energy Rating A A
Suitable for installation with Aquair HIU Up to 16kW Up to 20kW
Heat Exchanger Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Standard Warranty 2 years 2 years

Popular Discontinued Boilers

Below you can find more information about some of Johnson & Starley’s most popular discontinued models (ideal if you want to compare your current boiler to their new offerings).

Johnson & Starley Boiler Prices

Prices for Johnson & Starley boilers are only available directly from a professional installer. It’s crucial that you get quotes from more than one supplier as prices can vary dramatically.

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Johnson & Starley Guarantee

Johnson & Starley offer a 2 year warranty as standard on all their boilers. However, in the case of the QuanTec HR 28c Combi 28kW this is extended to 5 years, subject to terms and conditions.

Why Choose Johnson & Starley Boilers?

This UK brand is long established in the heating industry. Their QuanTec range includes top of the range technology which delivers high efficiencies and reliable performance for your home. Key features include isothermic and full heat condense stainless steel heat exchangers with ‘cool door’ technology, low carbon and low NOx levels and reduced pluming reduced to almost invisible levels.

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