Did you know that the 1st October was official ‘Central Heating Day’? According to a recent article published by the BBC news service, the 1st October is the day most people turn their central heating back on and as the weather turns colder the thermostats chug back into action.
Rising costs of home heating mean people try to hold out for as long as possible before turning their central heating back on. Lucky though we are to have this ‘standard’ luxury, most people take central heating for granted. However, the BBC article explores the ways in which our lives have changed as central heating became common place.
People no longer ‘dress’ for cold weather in their homes – favouring watching telly in a t-shirt, despite temperatures plunging outside. A modern condensing boiler and central heating system have changed the way we furnish and decorate our homes. Out have gone heavy curtains, thick carpets and small dingy rooms, replaced by designer blinds, open plan living and laminate flooring.
The flip side is people gathered as a family to keep warm but still interacted with each other, but today everyone spends more time alone in separate rooms in front of a telly or computer. Let us not forget the impact on carbon emissions and the environment.
So, instead of complaining about the cost of gas and electric prices, why not appreciate the luxury of central heating in your home and the freedom it provides. But, also try to do something for the environment and turn your thermostat down! Average homes set their thermostat at 22 degrees, but surely you could lose a degree or two by simply wearing a cardigan?
here here! I agree I’m hoping to not have to turn my heating on until middle of October, start of November but don’t think I will be that lucky. I have to admit, I do complain about my heating bills but I would moan more without heating! This year I’m sure to bring out my big jumpers!