Helping UK homeowners save money on their heating

Helping UK homeowners make the right heating choices

woman changing thermostat

Energy Saving Tips

Following a few simple rules around the home will not only help you to save energy, but money too! We’ve compiled some of the best tips and advice from around the web to help you save money, and the environment. Whether you’re looking for quick fix measures to reduce your utility bills or long lasting ways to make savings, here’s what you can do.

Free Energy Saving Tips

None of these tips will cost you a penny, in fact they can slash pounds off your energy bill!

  • Switch electrical appliances off, do not leave them on standby.
  • Keep your fridge and freezer stocked up, the fuller they are the less energy they use.
  • Only fill and boil your kettle with the minimum of water needed.
  • Turn your heating down by 1°. One popular strategy for home temperature is to keep the main living room around 18-21°C and the rest of the house at least 16°C. Try to keep the temperature above 18°C in your bedroom overnight (but remember to open the window or door a little at night for ventilation if you use a fire or heater in your bedroom.)
  • Wash clothes at the lowest temperature setting possible.
  • Reduce the amount of water you use each month (our guide to water conservation is full of handy tips
  • Switch lights off when leaving the room.
  • Dry clothes outside, not in the tumble dryer (when realistic that is!)
  • Have a shower instead of a bath.
  • Only wash clothes when you’ve got a full load.
  • Don’t leave electrical items, such as the TV, on standby.
  • Close your curtains and blinds at night.
  • Keep doors closed to help keep heat contained. A further way to help this is to place a draught excluder/stopper in front of closed doors.

Long term ways to save energy

These tips will require a some financial investment, but they can have the biggest impact on your energy bills and will pay for themselves over time.

  • Replace all your light bulbs with energy saving bulbs.
  • Have your windows double or triple glazed – as well as helping with heating bills, this will reduce noise and condensation..
  • Install loft insulation and cavity wall insulation in your home. Not only will insulation make your home warmer it will also help to keep your heating costs down. Make sure your loft has at least 10–11 inches of insulation, any home with four inches or less should have it topped up.
  • Replace your boiler with a high efficiency condensing model.
  • Fit draught proofing to stop heat escaping around windows and doors.
  • Insulate hot water tanks and pipes.
  • Apply solar window films – the film can reduce glare and also acts as an insulator to retain heat providing a more controlled and balanced temperature, particularly good in conservatories or large south facing aspects where temperatures can rise rapidly and the large expanse of glass means temperatures also fall rapidly at night. The films will also reduce UV rays which in turn reduces fading and provide for a safer and more comfortable working or home environment.

Energy Saving Tips for the warmer months

Spring and summer are the times of year when a households dependency on central heating and electricity can begin to relax as the weather gets warmer and the days longer.

But did you know there’s even more you could be doing to cut your utility bills? To help you continue to make savings, the Home Heating Guide has the following tips for spring:

  • Turn your water heater down to 120 degrees Fahrenheit to save money.
  • For any sliding glass doors, make sure to keep its track clean. A dirty track can hamper a sliding door’s seal and create gaps where heat can escape.
  • Use natural lighting as much as possible.
  • Dust or wipe light bulbs. Clean bulbs provide more light.
  • Open windows in the evening not in the day for fresh air. As your home heats up during the day you should open your windows at night or dusk when the temperature drops, to prevent loss of heat in your home.

Taking care of your central heating system to make it more efficient

Central heating is vital to everyday living. It provides domestic comfort throughout the home particularly in winter when the weather is at its coldest. There are a number of ways to look after your own central heating system, which will not only maintain its efficiency levels but reduce the need for repairs.

A cleaning or powerflush

This is the method of removing any sludge or limescale from your central heating system and should be done when a boiler is installed or serviced. Doing so will help your system to run as it should as a powerflush it the best way to cleanse a system. This could help to prevent ‘cold spots’, where radiators fail to provide heat in areas, or unwanted noise known as ‘labouring’ when the system is not only passing water but sludge or limescale. The method of the flushing will depend on your boiler type. You can find more guidance on this in our article on powerflushing.

Getting your boiler serviced

Servicing your boiler will allow you to check whether your system is clean and working as it should. Your installer should carry out a boiler service usually once a year. Any maintenance work on your boiler should also be carried out by a Gas Safe Registered engineer. It is worth noting that any boiler of 15 years or over is advised to be replaced with a new high efficiency model.

Financial help for heating your home

In some cases you may be able to claim financial help with heating your home. Look out for these benefits:

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