Helping UK homeowners save money on their heating

Helping UK homeowners make the right heating choices

COVID19: How we’re helping UK homeowners

The information on this page was last updated on 17 September 2020

For anyone struggling with expensive bills, unreliable heating or a broken boiler, it’s important to know that you can still get the help you need – even during COVID-19.

Can I still hire a heating engineer? Yes – a heating engineer can enter your property to carry out work as long as they don’t have any Coronavirus symptoms. You can get free quotes here.

When working in your home, heating engineers will maintain social distancing of at least 2 metres or ‘1 meter plus’ depending on the space available. They will also wear a face mask when necessary.

6 people live in my household – can a heating engineer enter? Yes – as long as they’re there to carry out work, a heating engineer can enter a property of 6 people. The ‘rule of 6’ only applies to social gatherings so a tradesperson can enter to complete work.

My area is under local lockdown – can a heating engineer still work in my home? Yes – heating engineers can work in a home within an area that’s under local lockdown. They must only do so if they aren’t displaying any Coronavirus symptoms.

Our network of heating engineers will be happy to discuss working arrangements to help find a solution that works for you. Remote quotes, via telephone or video call are sometimes possible but will depend on the work involved.

Thank you, The Home Heating Guide team

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